
Together, Alone!

Instead of carefully planning every detail and strategizing on the best way forward, pick a starting point and iterate from there. You’ll learn quickly and avoid endless push-back.

It's better to get started then being right!

Usually, the loudest or the most confident person pushes their ideas through. The Design Sprint creates an equal environment for everyone so the more introverted employees will have an equal voice too. Everyone completes tasks silently and alone.

Don't rely on creativity

You don't need a "creative" person to do a Design Sprint. Why? Because execution rules! The Design Sprint as a step-by-step process supports developing ideas no matter what. And any idea helps to create progress and getting a step closer to solving the challenge.

Minimise discussions

Don’t sit in a meeting, going around in circles, trying to align with people from different parts of the business. Structure your conversations and focus them around a tangible shared objective using Design Sprint tools and tactics.